MS Courses » Grade 8

Grade 8

Eighth Grade

Students in eighth grade are enrolled in four courses of Science, Language Arts, American History, and Math for the full year. Introduction to Language Part II, Introduction to Python, Innovation Technologies, Art, Physical Education, and Health are required in a seven-week rotation course. Students participate in the Skills for Life Program, Chorus, or Band, for five days per week for the full year.  

Eighth Grade Teaching Team


Core Courses

Title: ELA 8 Credit: 1
Grade: 8    
Prerequisite: N/A Difficulty Rating: 1
This course is designed to increase the student’s knowledge of the fundamentals of language, writing, and communication skills. Emphasis is placed on literature appreciation and the writing process. Through an integrated approach, this course combines reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. Students are instructed in grammar, usage, and mechanics which is meant to strengthen their writing. Students are taught phrases, clauses, parts of speech, and the development of multi-paragraph essays. Students use the writing process, and it is applied in various genres of writing.
Eighth Grade Algebra 1
Title: 8th Grade Algebra 1 Credit: 1
Grade: 8    
Prerequisite: Pre-Algebra 7 Difficulty Rating: 1
Students will develop problem solving skills by using algebraic terminology and various equation solving techniques.  Also, students will develop the ability to interpret written information into mathematical sentences. This course prepares students for the Algebra Keystone Exam and also includes the PA Common Core assessment categories: Ratios and Proportional Relationships, the Number System, Expressions and Equations, Geometry, and Statistics and Probability.  
Eighth Grade Math
Title: Math 8 Credit: 1
Grade: 8    
Prerequisite: Math 7 Difficulty Rating: 1
This course will enhance students’ prerequisite skills for Algebra 1 as they master the PA Common Core assessment categories: Ratios and Proportional Relationships, the Number System, Expressions and Equations, Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. Students will foster a real-life perception of mathematical concepts as they build upon Math 7 skills and understanding.
Eighth Grade Science
Title: Science 8 Credit: 1
Grade: 8    
Prerequisite: N/A Difficulty Rating: 1
This course is an integrated science class, covering ideas from biology to physical sciences.  Students are taught ideas of classification and organization that are the building blocks for our studies with heredity and genetics.  Types of energy and energy resources will be presented and applied to real-world situations.  These ideas will connect to concepts of energy waves and other wave types related to our planet, Earth.
Eighth Grade History
Title: History 8 Credit: 1
Grade: 8    
Prerequisite: N/A Difficulty Rating: 1
This course covers American History from the end of the 18th century through the 19th century. Wars that are covered: War of 1812, Mexican War, and the Civil War. Presidents that are covered: George Washington through William McKinley. Time Periods: The Federalists Period, Westward Expansion, Sectionalism, Reconstruction, The Gilded Age, and The Progressive Movement.
7-Week Elective Rotations
Learning Support Specialist - Self-contained
ELA/Math Special Education - co-taught
Social Studies/Science - inclusion
Emotional Support - Resource