Welcome to the South Allegheny School District Technology homepage!
Please utilize the links to the right to receive further information.
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Technology Fast Facts
- We are 1:1 with student technology. This means that all students K-12 are required to have a suitable device to complete coursework. Students in grades K-12 receive iPads, and students in grades 3-12 receive Chromebooks. South Allegheny does have a bring-your-own-device policy (BYOD) if you wish. More details are available on the 1:1 Device Information page.
- Parents/guardians of students who receive district-owned technology must either accept or deny our optional insurance policy EVERY YEAR. If a parent/guardian fails to accept/deny the insurance agreement, any repairs or replacements as a result of damage will incur the full cost by default. More information is available on the 1:1 Device Information page.
- To receive support, please click the Student/Parent Technology Support link on the right, or send an email to [email protected]. There is currently no direct phone support.