Parents/Community » Closing & Delay Procedures

Closing & Delay Procedures

Phone Messages and Text Messages will be send through our automated caller system, Skylert.  Student messages are usually sent by 6:30am.  Parents should not rely on the Skylert system as their only source of delay and cancellation information.
The website Information Alert at is usually updated between 5:15am and 6:30am for delays and cancellations.
Listen to KDKA radio (1020 AM), KDKA television, and WPXI for information concerning delayed school openings and the cancellation of school.  Other stations will be notified but KDKA and WPXI are the only official stations. Information is usually broadcast beginning at approximately 6:00 AM.  Continue to listen to the station for updated information.  Occasionally during severe weather, weather conditions may worsen and a delay may be changed to a closing.  This may occur as late as 8:30 AM.
KDKA and WPXI will also be used for information during an approaching storm or other emergency. 
Weather information can accessed over the Internet at: or or
Send the student to the bus stop or to. school two hours later than the usual time.  The school will open two hours later than usual.  School lunches will be served. 

In the event that weather conditions worsen, updates will be posted after 8:30 AM in regard to the necessity of a school closure. 
Steel Center
If South Allegheny (SA) is closed due to WEATHER, SCVT students will not report to SCVT or SA. If there is a closure for any other reason, buses will be provided for SCVT students to be taken to SCVT (see alternate no SC to SA bus schedule).

If SA has a two-hour weather delay, SCVT students will NOT report to SCVT, but a bus will begin its run to pick up SCVT students at 9:53 AM to report to SA. (Please do not send your SCVT students to SA on regular bus as there are no classes for them until 11 :OOAM.

SA will not provide transportation to or from SCVT on a two-hour weather delay for SCVT students. IF YOU TRANSPORT YOUR CHILD TO SCVT ON A TWO­HOUR WEATHER DELAY DAY, YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE TO TRANSPORT YOUR CHILD BACK TO SA.